Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Marathon Race Pictures

Novice Group

A lot of korean people joined the race =p they have those rookie item malls to be used, they really had used it for the race, it is wise!

Hmm seems a bit harsh for the GM to place high level monsters into the race for Novice group! Every hit will cause high damage... Seems a little bit unfair though the race will end faster to those who are strong and survive!

Intermediate Group

Nice closed-up picture with GM (with wings!) White Cat Angel =D

Advance Group

Great pictures taken!
Thanks to Koniku


~Dream~ said...

Walao... so good loo u can saw GM >.< me also mo siang player...but,when got the event..my comp stil not yet downlod ms = =dam sad !!!

SamSeiko said...

That's bad! Always have a back up then you won't miss it =)